Level up this summer with these 5 books!

WHy THESE BOOKS will level you up

Everyone knows how important reading is to a healthy human mind. Knowledge being so important for a variety of reasons makes the priceless knowledge in these 5 books will teach you many things. From psychological defense, the ability to make anyone your friend, knowing how to focus on what really matters, financial intelligence, and how to escape from delusions that attack us all.

Book 1- 48 Laws of Power (psychological defense)

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene is one of the most essential books to read of our time. It is a book that will further your understanding of Human Psychology substantially. While reading you will find yourself surprised by the truth behind every single law. You will be able to recall instances of each law that you personally may have seen happen. The way Greene is able to put these happenings in to words is beyond me. The way he explains exactly why each law works as it does is incredible. Also, with each law you gain a new amount of power that you never knew you could have. Whether you use this power to manipulate and use others or whether you use it for good and as self defense is utterly up to you. I hope this book is used for good and helps people to fight against the ones who use it as a offensive tool.

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Book 2- How to Win Friends & Influence People

Dale Carnegie’s How To Win Friends and Influence People is one of the best books to read if you are looking to make more friends and influence others. This book is in a class of its own. Some of the things in the book seem so simple but are truly extraordinary. For example, he makes it well known how much people want to feel special. He explains that simply asking someone’s name is an easy to way to do this. I personally asked a woman at a store her name and without much effort I was offered a job at the store. The strategies taught in this book are essential for coming out of a situation with the most you could possibly get out of it. None of these tactics are grimy or cruel but instead will make whoever they are used on feel good. When you genuinely care what others have to say how can that ever make someone else feel bad? 

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Book 3: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Mark Manson’s The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is about his counterintuitive approach to living a good life. He makes it very clear that this book will not teach you how to be indifferent but Instead how to care about what really matters. Humans will occupy themselves with things that do not matter and will end up tricking themselves into thinking that they matter. When we do this we forget about the things that genuinely do matter. Mark intends on helping us to stop trusting ourselves so much and instead open up our minds to the facts. While this process is painful the end goal is worth it. In the end you will be able to accept reality while also making a far better reality for yourself and those around you. This book is amazing on so many levels, with Mark’s great storytelling and relatability this book gets you invested and inspires you to make a change to better yourself. 

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Book 4: Rich Dad Poor Dad

This book Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad is an essential read for anybody who wants to achieve financial freedom in their lifetime. He shows how possible it is for anyone to achieve financial freedom as his Rich Dad did it while having to drop out of school in the 8th grade. He teaches us his Rich Dads lessons in an entertaining way that makes it an enticing read. This book is not all fun and games though it will teach you some of the most important things about the business world. In this book Robert maintains full transparency and doesn’t make his ride to the top seem like a smooth one. He gives us the ups and downs and then teaches us how he got from the lows to the highs. This book can be a difficult read for some since it challenges traditional beliefs about money which naturally rubs many people the wrong way so going into this read with and open mind is absolutely essential. Wait to hear his reasoning for his opinions before rejecting them.

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Book 5: The Halo Effect

Phil Rosenweig’s The Halo Effect is another absolutely essential read for anyone who is looking to go into the business world. The books goal is to teach readers about the effect that plagues the business world. This effect is The Halo Effect, essentially it is the idea that we as people see something succeed then assume that everything that person or company did to reach that success was good. Its fascinating to see how the Halo Effect makes such a big difference in how we perceive actions. We will always see the actions behind a successful company or person as genius but might see a company that did something extremely similar and failed as some kind of idiot. The Halo Effects doesn’t even apply to only the business world but to everything else as well. It is easy for us to come to conclusions about others based off one factor. Phil Rosenweig’s goal in this book is to have us look deeper and stop accepting surface level explanations.

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